Myofascial Release, Manual Lymph Drainage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Massage Therapy

At the Centre for Soft Tissue Pain in Calgary, we are thrilled with the positive feedback we have received from our clients. We invite you to take some time and read a few of the testimonials we have received. When you're ready to get started with treatment, just contact us today.

“Denny is a superb therapist. He is highly knowledgeable about the fascial and lymph systems and he translates this knowledge into excellent clinical skills. He is my first choice when I need help untangling my own fascia.”
- Heidi L.
“I was in a car accident 5 years ago and one of the injuries I sustained had been to my shoulder. The doctors just said it was soft tissue and would heal. It was left at that. After four years and three specialists, any use of my shoulder was painful and it could barely move while they were saying there was nothing wrong with it. After 4 years of this I noticed a brochure in my massage clinic (Centre for Soft Tissue Pain) for Myofascial Therapy and asked about it. I had already tried physio, massage and chiropractic care and none of them helped with my shoulder. After three sessions with Denny I had almost a full range of motion back and little to no pain in its use. I found that I got a lot more out of my physio as well after Denny got my body back into proper alignment. I urge at least checking into Myofascial Therapy to people.
It's amazing how much your body can shorten and tighten after an injury so that it hurts to try and get back into shape. Myofascial (release) definitely helped me with this.”
- D.S.
Upon meeting with Nadine I encountered a therapist unlike any I had met before! Her satellite office is like a little oasis in our crazy busy city. It is warm and cozy, and you immediately feel relaxed and pampered. Always greeting me with a smile, she is both caring and professional. Her physical assessment is very thorough and she takes her time to ask questions and really listen. When I first started seeing Nadine for my 12 series of KMI I had an extraordinarily long list of issues that I was hoping to resolve. My top issue was my SI Joints that were chronically unstable and had been for over 20 years. They were constantly slipping out of place, as often as 4 times a day! I had tried many other forms of therapy to address this issue, Chiropractic ART, Prolotherapy, Physiotherapy, Body Talk etc. etc. and they all helped, however none of them gave me long lasting relief. Until I experienced KMI!! It took several appointments, but with every appointment I could feel my body shifting in the right direction. I can now honestly say that they are stabilized and very rarely do I even think about them anymore!!! My second top issue were my knees. Having dislocated both knees, they have given me trouble since the age of 12 (I am currently 54 years young). My left knee constantly ached and the Tib Fib joint was always jamming or dislocating, sometimes several times a day. Since my series with Nadine, my Tib Fib joints no longer cause me any pain and the aching in my knees is almost completely resolved! I can honestly say that KMI exceeded my expectations and helped me to resolve many other issues as well including: improved flexibility, improved balance and greater range of motion. Tremendous improvement in my chronic post nasal drip and congestion, improved digestion, resolution of my Plantar Fasciitis in both feet, tremendous improvement in my neck after 3 old whiplash injuries, and great improvement in my shoulder after having dislocated it several years ago. I cannot say enough great things about Nadine and what KMI has done for me. I will be forever grateful for all of the benefits that I have received and those that are to come, long term. Give yourself the greatest gift that you can and commit to a KMI series. You will not be sorry, it is truly an investment in your health and well-being!
- Sincerely, Cathy
“I have been a patient at The Centre for Soft Tissue Pain for 8 years and am so pleased to have the opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation for their professionalism, the nurturing atmosphere of their office and their amazing staff.
Special thanks to Nadine for her magic hands and incredible knowledge that she shares with enthusiasm. She not only treats your body, alleviating aches and pains, but is also concerned with your overall wellness, giving helpful information on how you can help yourself to feel better physically and emotionally.
One of the comforts I received after the loss of my precious husband in 2003 came from this incredibly sensitive young woman. Knowing from our conversation during my massage how grief stricken I was and that I was unable to focus my attention on any one thing too long, she gifted me with a small, easy to read book on grieving, validating that my thoughts and feelings were normal. Everyone grieves in their own way and in their time own time, and that how we choose to do it. It is OK. I re-read it from time to time and it is still helpful.”
- Kate F.
“I have been Nadine’s massage client for about 8 years. I continue to come back to Nadine, even after having lived away in Toronto for 2 years, because she is highly professional and skillful in the art and practice of massage. Not only does she give a great massage, she has also done myofascial release work with me which has improved my posture and structural alignment so that I run in a more balanced way and with fewer injuries than I was having before. I have always found Nadine to be highly caring and personable. She is very knowledgeable about many areas related to physical and mental well-being. She seems to be a continuous learner who is interested in being the best she can be both personally and professionally. Nadine also seems to have a great intuitive sense about when to talk, ask questions and share information and when to let me relax in quiet contemplation. I would highly suggest Nadine to anyone who is interested in improving their physical alignment and/or indulging in a high quality massage experience. Having been to dozens of massage therapists over the years and across North America, I would definitely rank Nadine as number 1!”
- Anonymous
“Everyone is special at this centre - especially Nadine and Diane. Both caregivers have given me relief from debilitating head, neck and shoulder pain. I have been Nadine’s client for approximately three years or maybe more. Nadine’s caring compassion and ‘magic’ fingers, plus her bubbly personality, endears her to many who are fortunate to be her clients. To me she is one very special lady.”
- Maggie C.
“The centre was always warm and inviting. Saskia has been a pleasure since day one. Her warm smile, personality and friendliness always lead to a positive experience.
I had been receiving hot stone massage for quite a while before coming to Saskia. Her use of the stones was masterful, creative and totally relaxing. I love her use of the cold stones over the eyes (very refreshing) and stones between the toes (helps relax the feet incredibly!) Always a fabulous experience! Thanks!"
- Stephen C.
"I have been an active participant in a wide variety of body work for over 10 years from a variety of therapists. A few months ago I tried a therapeutic hot stone massage at the Centre for Soft Tissue Pain with Saskia. My intention was solely that of relaxation, but I was very impressed with the combination of hot stone and therapeutic techniques. I left the treatment totally relaxed. An added bonus was a few sore spots I wasn't aware of were released. Saskia utilizes the heat from the stones to loosen up the muscles and then massages you with the physical stones to deliver a deep therapeutic massage. If I was asked to pick a favorite part, it would be her use of contrast. The end of the massage is a neck massage using alternating hot and cold stones. A most wonderful combination. I suggest this treatment to anyone looking for just a little more than a relaxation massage, and Saskia is a natural. I am looking forward to my next session."
- Nicole A.
"Bent forward, hips frozen
Hauling myself out of the chair
Sore and stiff.
To Saskia's room.
A Bach prelude in play
As I am relay
A saga of pain.
Warm tabled
Pillowed and blanketed
I start to breathe
The cantos.
Warm hands search
Back, shoulder, hips.
Strong young hands and fingers
Slowly loosening, untying, unravelling
We discover that
'Bach in the Bath'
Is just the key
For you and me
An internalized cadence.
Music sprinkles over
As continuous sound and movement.
Music without words blends with the
Soothing motion of your hands.
One, two
Three and more
Knots give way
Will I now sway?
Sore body smoothed
With touch, sound,
Warmth, scented cream
All participate
To articulate
The joints
Of this old lady.
A coda, finale
Of head massage
Releases more—ah body and mind.
Take your time you say
As you sense me floating away.
A body, a life-long commitment you say.
Ah, ode to massage
I turn over, get up, walk straight.
Thank you from my body
And heart
Dear, Saskia."
- Betty M., April 29, 2010
“I have attended Eunice for MLD (Manual Lymph Drainage) treatments for over a year and continue under her care. I am not a local and although a Canadian citizen, I now live in New Zealand, but, as my daughter lives in Calgary, I visit frequently.
I knew nothing of any of the MLD therapists registered in Calgary and chose Eunice by chance and geography. Hers was the closest office to my daughter’s home.
As it has turned out, I doubt I could have found a better therapist for my lymphœdema. Eunice is a lovely person. She is quietly spoken, calm and mature. She is highly skilled, up to date with modern lymphœdema treatments and is a careful, safe and diligent therapist.
I have learned much from Eunice on how to manage my lymphœdema; her treatments have lead to a significant and sustained improvement in not just my lymphœdema but in my mental attitude towards it.
While lymphœdema is a chronic, incurable condition, I now feel that I am not alone in dealing with it. Eunice shows a genuine sense of caring and concern. I now have the feeling that there is someone else walking beside me, who understands the daily frustrations and challenges that we with lymphœdema face.
I am a family doctor with forty years experience. I rarely provide public endorsements, but in this instance it is an absolute pleasure for me to do so. I unreservedly recommend Eunice’s professional services to anyone with a chronic soft tissue conditions and particularly for those with primary or secondary lymphœdema.”
- Dr. Linda M., MD
“After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I decided to try massage therapy. I had heard that Eunice was doing a study (which was later published in an Ontario magazine) on the effects of Manual Lymph Drainage on Fibromyalgia. The result was excellent, thanks to the kind, compassionate and highly skilled treatments by Eunice. I believe I noticed an improvement from day one. My pain and stiffness greatly improved and remained under control. My quality of sleep improved, a sense of well-being returned and I enjoyed a more relaxed state. I became drug-free. Life felt better again! Eunice taught me to listen to my body. I attended her Somatics Movement classes, where she taught us how to move efficiently without discomfort. Her therapies, which included Manual Lymph Drainage, Structural Alignment Assessments, gentle Myofascial Release and Somatics have been my answer to living a better life with fibromyalgia. I have now moved to Victoria and keep searching for another Eunice. Thank you, Eunice ... Calgary is so blessed to have you.”
- P.B.
“You have been a real blessing in my life, Eunice. You have helped me through some very big changes and emotionally hard times, when my life was a mess and I was in knots. And you have continued to help me learn and grow throughout all the years since.”
- E.M.
“I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel and frozen shoulder. I tried other treatments and nothing seemed to work. The best thing I did was see Eunice Mooney. After the 3rd treatment I could reach a light switch, take dishes out of the cupboard, and curl my hair. Best of all I could SLEEP. I have recommended Eunice to friends and co-workers and they also have been impressed. I am continuing with treatment from Eunice and also attend her Eunique Fit Classes which focus on correct posture and movement. Love it!”
- P.S.
“I hope people realize what a great resource they have and keep you very busy. That's a lot of ways you have to help people! Besides any of your training, you have beautiful hands, beautiful touch — that is something one is gifted with to large extent — & you have been very diligent to develop that gift.”
- Cheers, Peter TS M. (Chi Nei Tsang Instructor in Edmonton)
“I am a nurse working on a busy medical floor in the hospital. Last spring Eunice did a Structural Alignment Analysis to address my chronic mid back pain due to poor posture. Every year I was becoming more round shouldered and my neck was protruding forward.
She treated me with Myofascial Release, Stretching/Movement Therapy and I now regularly attend her Eunique Fitness Classes. My world has been turned completely around due to her therapy! I rarely experience back pain even after a busy work shift and people are commenting & noticing my improving posture. Last fall I mentioned to Eunice that my feet were getting quite sore at work. She suggested that I remove the prescription orthotics from my shoes. (I have worn orthotics for over 10 years). Orthotics were removed and the foot pain disappeared! My body has realigned enough that my feet no longer ache without additional support!
Prince Albert is very fortunate to have such a talented & dedicated therapist.”
Thank you, Eunice!
- J.F.
"This past season we saw a major reduction in man games lost due to injury. This I believe can be greatly attributed to the utilization of our stretch therapist, Judy Kaumeyer of Optimal Stretch. Our players not only felt that they saw less soft tissue injuries, but a shorter recovery time between competitions was a benefit from the fascial stretch sessions. Stretch Therapy has become and will continue to be an integral part of our program, allowing us to be a leader in player development for the NCAA, WHL and the NHL."
- Fred H.
"Fascial stretching has helped me take my training to a higher level of intensity. My recovery time is cut in half and I feel ready immediately to meet the demands of my training. Without Stretch Therapy, I would not be able to achieve the success to meet my goals. Thank you Judy."
- Denver M.
“There is a professional, welcoming and cheerful atmosphere at the Centre. Each therapist uses his or her knowledge and experience to diagnose well and treat effectively. I used to have chiropractic care at the Centre, then was referred on for physiotherapy which I only need infrequently now.
I used to have headaches from TMJ issues and frequent back and neck pain. Many years ago, doctors recommended spinal fusion surgery. I did not do that and began Swim Therapy, yoga and chiropractic care. Since I began going to the Centre where therapists coordinate my care, I am now pain free and no longer need regular appointments. My experience with the Centre is wonderful and I recommend it highly to friends and family.”
- Anne S.
“Very friendly and welcoming facility and staff - a lovely atmosphere.”
- Anonymous
“Everything is comfortable, professional and they get results.”
- Anne M.
“I have been a patient at the Centre for Soft Tissue Pain for some time now. I suffered a herniated disk, whiplash and torn muscle in my shoulder from a car accident. My doctor at the time prescribed drugs (pain killers, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories) and sent me to physiotherapy. With the massage treatments I get at the Centre it is much easier to manage any pain I have, drug free. I feel strongly that I would have been much better off and healed faster if I had come to the Centre at the start of my recovery. They treat the body as a whole instead of just treating areas, and are also supportive to a patient's mental well-being. The therapists do not have a set regiment, but adapt their treatments to the patient's needs. They also have lots of experience and have given me good advice on wading through the quagmire of an insurance claim.
The therapists at the Centre keep themselves current learning new techniques and studying new information related to their fields. They are a very diverse bunch and it was easy to find several that I have a good rapport with. They have worked hard to create a comfortable and caring atmosphere and you won't find a better bunch of people. They are the best therapists around.”
- Kim N.
“The support staff (Karen) is wonderful; helpful, calm, very knowledgeable, and she is very kind and helpful. You are fortunate to have her. This is a professional and great place.”
- Gail M.
The testimonials that follow are specifically in regards to Kinesis Myofascial Integration (KMI), offered by the Centre for Soft Tissue Pain. Read our testimonials below, or read more about this treatment on our services page.
“Kinesis Myofascial Integration (KMI) helped get the curve in my back and helped with my posture and increased my overall well-being. Nadine is an outstanding KMI therapist and I would recommend this 12-week treatment for anyone who is serious about changing their body structure.”
- L.W.
“This experience has been truly a gift. I have tried numerous therapies in search of addressing the root cause of my chronic neck and shoulder pain. Most brought short-term relief but these 12 weeks have brought changes in my alignment, reduced or eliminated pains and aches that I didn’t relate to my neck and shoulder. Nadine’s focus, awareness and bright energy complements her commitment to the body as a whole and making clients feel well again. I highly suggest the 12-week series to anyone looking to relieve pain or just improve awareness.”
- H.L.
“If you are looking for someone to have an answer to your chronic pain or discomfort, this process finally gave me hope for a better quality of life. Change in how you see yourself and what one is capable of emerges only if you are able to persevere through each step. Thank you.”
- Anonymous
“This treatment actually changed my life! I was in absolute agony everywhere when we started treatment. I had pain in my left hip for 5 plus years - gone completely after a couple of sessions and holding. Posture, feet, legs and sinus 100% improved and overall emotionally feeling 1000% better. I can't thank Nadine enough.”
- M.G.
“This therapy is consistent with the articles I’ve read on the importance of fascia. It came to my attention at a time when I had tried a number of other therapies. These had helped manage the pain but didn’t address any of the underlying structural issues. I’m still in the 3 month post-sessions period, but I note ongoing improvements and am optimistic this therapy has the potential to make lasting improvements in my physical well-being.”
- L.S.
“I am very pleased with the treatments. It has helped with my back problems. The treatments also have given me considerable relief with post-surgical rehabilitation of my foot.”
- Anonymous
“My experience with KMI Structural Integration Therapy was very satisfying. Every week when I returned for the next session, I could discuss the differences. The changes, for me, were visible and measurable. I have been seeing a chiropractor and receiving massages for over 15 years and this is one of the only treatments that I can say gave me any lasting results."
- B.M.
“KMI is an overall great release and opening throughout the body; especially of chronic tightness that happens with living an active lifestyle. The grounding or settling of the body in its natural state is quite an experience of ‘non-struggling.’ It is like a beautiful balance between grounding and lifting through gravity.”
- B.P.
“I have no more knee pain and I feel smoother and more flexible when I am walking. Walking is much more pleasurable and my posture is much better. I wish I had done this years ago!”
- D. Kagawa
“Nadine’s KMI Structural Integration Therapy was above and beyond anything I could have imagined. Not only did she release my back, which had stopped me from everything I love doing, from triathlon to talking on the phone, I noticed my body being more aligned - my feet are more underneath and supporting me. In addition, my legs, adductors, hamstrings and IT band are all free to move; they are balanced. I feel like a new me thanks to Nadine! I can’t wait to see how this therapy will transfer into my hiking and running once I get back into it!"
- J.P.
“The sessions were sometimes hard but the results were worth the initial aches and pains. In some cases, additional benefits resulted which has resulted in longer term benefits. The sessions met my expectations and then some.”
- Brenda M.
“I am extremely impressed by the results from the KMI Structural Integration Therapy. Initially going for therapy to relieve lower back pain and hamstring troubles, I feel that in addition to having these issues dealt with, that my whole posture has improved. My body feels so much more comfortable and at ease even just as I stand.”
- Anonymous
“My body issues started many years ago with fibromyalgia. Having had a hysterectomy as well as a bilateral mastectomy, my body has been through a lot. I first came to Nadine because of great pain in both my knees. I had previously consulted doctors and specialists but to no avail. During the time I was going through the KMI, I was rear-ended in an automobile accident. My back was very sore as well as my neck.
I cannot express enough how very much Nadine’s KMI has helped me. In two sessions, my knees stopped aching! The experience of rediscovering (realigning) my body and being pain free for the first time in all these years is incredible! I recommend this wholeheartedly.”
- Anonymous
“When I first went to see Nadine, I told her my goal would be for me to touch my toes. I hadn’t been able to do that with all my pelvic pain. After the first session, I knew this was going to be a treatment that would work for me. When I left the office, I felt different. I was walking differently. I was walking correctly. It felt weird but fantastic. Throughout the 12 weeks, every time I walked out of the office I felt like a new person. My body was finally moving the way it should. It was a lot of work on Nadine and my parts but it was worth it. I can touch my toes with no pain, I have started skiing again. I am finally living my life on my terms and not being restricted by pain.”
- Nancy D.